"natives, edibles and more..."
A sidewalk raingarden, three years post-planting. This does an extraordinary job filtering and reducing runoff.
Shade perennials upon planting. Plugs are the best and most economical means to establish a healthy perennial bed.
This installation on Maple Grove Rd. is only one year post-planting. Great soil and regular watering the first year made all the difference.
A dry creek bed channeling rainwater from roof to meadow, terminating in a beautiful raingarden of rose milkweed, native spirea, Culver's root, Grey's sedge, and more. One year post-planting.
This showy native garden is only one year post-planting. We replaced the ragged lawn in front with a variety of native grasses, simulating (sort of) different hairstyles.
Our top-of-the-line permanent steel edging maintains the lines of our elegant edging and keeps grass from creeping into the beds.
A most unusual formal semi-native planting (lots of lavender and peony) and one that we are particularly proud of. This is 4 months post-planting.
One of our first creations, a lengthy meadow with a mulch walkway terminating in a shady sitting area. 3 years post-planting.
Another unusual planting: the client grew up in the Adirondacks and missed her evergreens, so we created a mixed native/non-native landscape with elegant evergreens and flowering native groundcover.
A dry creek bed to channel rainwater from roof to woods. Later we added blue mistflower, rudbeckia, and buttonbush to add structure.