Cicero’s quote pretty well captures our outlook on things.
Introducing Deep Roots Landscape Design
At Deep Roots Landscape Design, we believe in “bringing nature home” to our yards and neighborhoods. A healthy yard is a yard that teems with birds, butterflies, pollinators, and other “charismatic wildlife” (although for most of us, deer are not so welcome, and Deep Roots has a number of effective, humane approaches to keep them at bay.)
We make this happen by artfully introducing native perennials, shrubs, and trees to your yard.* You’ll be amazed by how quickly your yard can be transformed into a wildlife haven. Nature really does want to heal itself, if we but give it a chance.
At Deep Roots Landscape Design, we work with you to create a landscape of surprising beauty, a work of art that will delight both you and your wildlife friends. It’s a great feeling to know that our own yards can make such a difference in restoring this little corner of planet Earth.
*Why native plants? The reasons will impress you. Please visit the “Why Natives?” page on this website. While we prioritize natives in our design plans, we are flexible in our approach. We love lilacs, lavender, and peonies, too!
What We Do
Deep Roots Landscape Design offers expert design, installation, maintenance, and invasives removal (we typically do maintenance only on landscapes we have installed). We also do small hardscaping (paths, small walls, steps, deer fencing, dry creek beds, etc.) We always strive to keep the cost to you affordable. We get the job done quickly and efficiently. We adhere to eco-friendly methods. And, perhaps most importantly, we listen--carefully--to what’s most important to you.
Our design approach emphasizes clarity of line, four-season appeal, and ease of maintenance. Our deep knowledge of the plant world means we will always put “the right plant in the right place” (yes, it seems like the obvious thing to do, but so much failed landscaping stems from a simple lack of understanding of what belongs where).
Landscaping with natives opens so many new possibilities for your property. Whether you are most interested in pollinator gardens, rain gardens, birdscaping, woodland shade gardens, or just invasives removal, we’ll get it done for you.
Residential and commercial properties
Initial consultation at no charge
Maintenance plans to suit your needs.
Birds figure prominently in our thinking.
Coneflowers done right.
Good landscaping brings so many benefits with it. A healthier local environment, the pleasure of helping nature flourish, the enjoyment of year-round beauty, and of course the significant boost in property value. Good landscaping is an investment in your home, your daily quality of life, and your peace of mind. At Deep Roots, we understand all of this because we experience it so deeply in our own lives. It’s our pleasure to share this passion with you—contact us to find out how.